mission statement

Great Sunday Schools build great churches and great churches build nations.
Sheryl Harris
The mission of the ORAC Sunday School Division is to impart the Gospel of Jesus Christ to our students in a dynamic and authentic Apostolic learning environment. Through consistent exploration of God’s Word, worship and special activities, students of all ages are given the opportunity to gain a full understanding of Biblical truths to the furtherance of their ultimate salvation and integration in daily living. Our highly motivated and efficient staff bolsters this mission by helping our children, youth and elderly realize their God given potentials, adopt Christian values and develop a heightened awareness of their responsibility to the larger world community. Our Sunday School program includes classes for all ages and all are welcome to attend.
Glow Ministry
But Jesus called them unto him, and said, Suffer little children to come unto me, and forbid them not: for of such is the kingdom of God.
Luke 18:16